I have always believed the Power of thought, in God or something more powerful than mself and I had been practicing the law of attraction without even knowing it for most of my life.
Recently I heard a Happy Place podcast by Fearne Cotton, interviewing Rhonda Byrne and it triggered me to get brave and ask the Universe to show me some signs.
I had been questioning a relationship in my life and wanted to know if I was on the right track, so I got brave and decided to ask. "Universe, if this relationship is right for me, please show me a squirrel within the next 24 hours" - I knew I had to be specific with what the topic was, was the sign should be and how long I could wait for it. Because after all, no sign would be an answer as well, maybe not the answer I would want to hear, but it would tell me something!
I was walking when I did this, I felt pretty concerned, after all I really wanted the relationship to be validated not condemned. Within 2 minutes a squirrel ran up a tree right where I was walking, I stopped in my tracks and another one followed closely behind. A smile swept across my face, my heart warmed and I knew that the universe had my back. A couple of minutes later 2 more squirrels appeared, one just stopped right in front of me!
With this amazing and powerful tool, I decided to share my newfound knowledge. So, the very next day, I was out walking with a friend and explained to her the concept. I used a Black Horse as the example to explain. She was intrigued.
For the next five days consecutively, as well as continuing to see squirrels everywhere, I was stopped in my tracks when this happened... Day 1 - A black horse appeared where the day before a white one had been. Day 2 - I heard a horse and carriage passing my Mums house (she lives in a cute Essex village) and it was a black horse pulling the cart. Day 3 - I got stuck in a 10 minute traffic jam, right outside Lloyds Bank - with their Black Horse sign. Day 4 - Black Beauty came up on the TV on some kids channel as I turned it on. Day 5 - I saw another Black Horse in a field locally as I was out walking. If there was any doubt in my mind about this 'Show me a sign' idea, it had definitely been removed. I sent pictures to my friend each day and she was amazed too.
It does take a bit of bravery and courage to ask for the sign, because usually it IS something we want validated, we want it to be right and true. I have not asked for many more signs since. The next one I asked for took the whole day to be revealed, so I was a little worried. I am moving home and I wanted to ask "Show me some Red Poppies today if my plans around the house stuff are all quite sound and good". The poppies appeared and even though my plans are taking some time to become reality, poppies keep appearing everywhere I look!
I am loving this tool!
The amazing thing is also that when I no longer need the validation, if I see those signs appear, I feel this overwhelming sense of love and fulfillment about life.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much!