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Writer's pictureYvonne Simpson

London Parks Solo Half Marathon

Running is absolutely great exercise. I used to be one of those people who said "I can't run". Then a few years ago, I tried the NHS App, 0-5km Couch Potato - it is for people who say "I can't run" and then by some sort of miracle - in short bursts of sweat and tears, they learn to do a 5km. I did that - with a lot of swearing and saying I wouldnt do it again. Until I could run 5km. After that, I did a couple of running events where to get to earn a medal and I persisted at going to Park Run, (whenever I could get myself motivated enough on a Saturday morning at 9am).

And now - I am in training for the London Marathon 2022. I cannot believe it!!

The training has been hard, it has been rewarding - but it has taken an incredible amount of positive mental attitude and motivation to get up week after week - every other day and run for months on end. Some of the longer runs have taken me over 3 hours and have been absolutely exhausting - it literally takes up the whole weekend (with recovery time).

So this London Parks Solo Half Marathon, was one Saturday morning training run, when I checked out a route from home and realised that I could do a short loop of Hyde Park and Regents Park and over to Battersea Park (for a Shelter Marathon Runners meet up) all in one training run - so i did!! Enjoyable and they are all really nice parks - for a walk, a run or just an occasional visit and picnic.

Here are some pictures (click on the pic to scroll through):

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