The Heart Chakra is the middle Chakra - this energy centre is found in the centre of your chest. Anahata, the ancient sanskrit word for Heart Chakra, translates to mean unstruck - "a heart that can never really be broken".
Great mantras to repeat: I love, I am loved, I am loving, I love me
The physical areas of the body covered are the heart, lungs, shoulder blades and upper back - the colour associated is usually green, though sometimes pink.
Auspicious Mudra - Place your right hand on the centre of your chest and your left hand over it. I do have another blog post, called I Choose Love Instead - where I used auspicious mudra in my daily life, even before I knew it was an actual mudra. This is thanks to Gabby Bernstein!
This Chakra is all about finding the balance in love, in giving and receiving, looking for unconditional love relationships, remembering that there is no limit to the amount of love we have available. This chakra helps us to notice, feel and find the correct balance for us to be kind to others and to be treated with respect by others. When we feel the connection to the heart chakra, we are making that spiritual journey upwards and noticing the divine spark in everything and everyone. It is a truly beautiful place to be, comforting and safe. We will be non-judgemental, pleased to see and meet people, open-hearted, compassionate and calm.
Finding Balance
To find balance, we must first understand and recognise the imbalance. If your Heart Chakra is weak you are likely to feel unworthy of love, bruised, maybe have low self esteem. You may not even notice compliments, warmth and love. If your heart chakra is really damaged you may be stony-hearted, even hurtful towards others.
If however your heart chakra is over developed, you may be highly sensitive, exhausted by picking up emotional baggage from everywhere. You will easily get sucked into the emotional drama and may be extremely dramatic and needy yourself too.
If you are unable to balance this chakra it can block the energy flow in both directions of the body. It is the middle of the rainbow bridge, and when it is balanced, it will give stillness, calm and peace to your life.
Simple Practical Ways to Open your Heart Chakra
- smile
- say thank you
- give compliments
- speak kindly to yourself
- volunteer
- spend time with small children for the cuddles
- spend time with open hearted people who see your good points
- take care of a pet, plant or person
- make plans to meet people you love
- watch romantic films with happy endings
- Use touch - stroke a pet, book a massage, hold someones hand, give hugs, have sex in a loving relationship.
#heartchakra #journeythroughthechakras #chakra #yoga #auspiciousmudra #picturelifelimited #anahata #loveyourself #unconditionallove #love #balance