A very simple solution and method of Meditation.
Take the first 10 words of the Lords Prayer "Our Father whom art in heaven hallowed be thy name".
Concentrate on the word "our", really concentrate on it - then on the word "father" really focus on it - then go to the GAP in between the two words and breathe. Take some time to breathe into the gap between the words. Say AAAH - the universal calling of the word God, or just breathe out with a bit of a sign - breathe into that GAP.
Then repeat:
Concentrate on the word "father", really concentrate on it - then on the word "who" really focus on it - then go to the GAP in between the two words and breathe. Take some time to breathe into the gap between the words. Say AAAH - the universal calling of the word God, or just breathe out with a bit of a sign - breathe into that GAP.
And continue to repeat this throughout the first ten words of the Lord's Prayer. Before you know it you will have been focussing on the breath, calming the mind and meditating for a good 10 minutes or more.
For anyone who has a little trouble getting settled into meditation, who has trouble concentrating on the breath and letting the mind slow down - this is a very good start.
There is a book by Wayne Dyer that explains the above and a free download of audio which also explains exactly the same - or you could just try it right now for free.
I love a little meditation technique that is entirely portable an useful for literally anytime, anyplace, anywhere and this is truly one of them!