It is absolutely true when we say: most things that are good for us are free.
In search of peace of mind, like many people, I have spent hundreds of pounds on self help books, therapy, weekend retreats, holidays afar and all kinds of other "fix me" attempts.
In actual fact the best things that make me happy are all FREE.
Out walking - i saw this beautiful squirrel pausing in the most amazing splendour. (FREE)

My favourite FREE FIX ME things are:
Breathing - concentrating on the breath instills calm and has health benefits like no other.
Meditation - basically concentrating on the breath, clearing the mind, or going on a guided journey into a still calm place
Water - the absolute best thing for our bodies, great for weight loss, rehydrating, headaches, literally everything
Fresh Air - getting outside and enjoying the air, walking, running, even just sitting
Sunshine - a bit of Free Vitamin D - 15 minutes a day is a fantastic tonic
Love - money cant buy you love, its free, its fuel for the heart and soul, we all need some
Sleep - getting the required amount of rest makes us feel so good, it is healing
Laughter - just a little bit of laughter changes the whole day
Smiles - infectious smiling at random strangers in the street is a favourite pastime of mine!
Nature - Any excuse to watch the seasons, the sea, walk in woods, or just admire an insect
Gratitude - Appreciating who we are, where we are and what life is right now is key
I could go on and on.... but I need to get out and do some of the above